Sunday Mass Reflection

They Walked Away

As a result of this, many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him. – John 6:66

Notice one particular group of people in today’s Gospel: the ones who walked away. These were Jesus’s followers, but they abandoned their discipleship over Christ’s teaching on the Eucharist. It was just too difficult for them to believe that they were to eat something that looked like bread and wine, but was really the Flesh and Blood of the Son of God.

Consider this: would these disciples have walked away if the Eucharist were really just a symbol? Why would bread and wine that merely represents Jesus be something that would make people walk away from Him? Yet nearly 7 in 10  American Catholics (click here to see this study) believe the Eucharist is only a symbol, not truly the Body and Blood of Our Lord. The problem of belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist isn’t a new problem. It started right here in John 6 when Jesus instituted it. But that doesn’t mean we can ignore the problem.

We who believe in the Real Presence have a role in helping our brothers and sisters in Christ understand and believe. First, we can pray for His Real Presence to be worshiped and adored by all Catholics. We can model the truth of this doctrine by receiving Him reverently in the Blessed Sacrament during Mass. We can hold firm to a regular Holy Hour of Adoration. We can equip ourselves with the truth about the Real Presence so we can believe more deeply and help others to do so, as well. We can teach our children and grandchildren about the Real Presence. Finally, we can strive to live Eucharistic lives that reflect Christ as their centers by living with the love of Christ pouring out to others.

Oh my Jesus, thank you for giving us Your Body and Blood in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Help me to believe, and help others come to believe that You died to feed us with Your very self and bring us to eternal life.

Click here to read a great article on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist by the USCCB.

Mass Readings for August 22, 2021: 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jos 24:1-2, 15-17, 18
Ps 34:2-21
1 Ep 5:21-32
Jn 6:60-69

If the word of the Lord Jesus is so powerful as to bring into existence things which were not, then a fortiori those things which already exist can be changed into something else. – St. Ambrose, De Sacramentis, IV, 5-16

This painting depicting the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist was created by my sweet daughter, Sophia. 🙂