Sunday Mass Reflection

The Divine Physician

Praise the Lord, for he is good…He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. – Psalm 147:1, 3

I am the Divine Physician. I can heal you from your every wound, if you want to be healed (John 5:6). The wounds and illnesses of your body, the faults and deficiencies of your mind, the brokenness or hardness of your heart, and even the sins of your soul (Matthew 9:6). Come to Me with trust and I will restore you to the image that your Father created and formed you in—His divine image (Genesis 1:26).

Come to Me with your sufferings laid bare and I will comfort you, for I will heal the brokenhearted (Psalm 147:3). Come to Me in grief and mourning and I will comfort you (Isaiah 61:2). Come to Me with your sins, filthy and foul, and I will drive them out of you with authority, and yet gently, to preserve the tenderness of your heart.

Come to Me and I will clean your wounds, those things that have hindered you from loving and serving me and others (Mark 1:31). I will cleanse and bind them up (Psalm 51:2, Isaiah 62:). Come to Me with the wounds of your past, those that haunt you and draw you backwards. Come to Me with the wounds of your present, those that cause you fear and anxiety. Hold them out to me in your hands and I will reach out my own wounded hands to yours and redeem them. I will resurrect them.

Come to Me with ashes on your head, the remains of your sins. The ashes of the things you have burned down with your pride and anger. The mark of your fallen humanity. The mark of your mortality. Bow your head before me and I will wipe away your ashes and replace them with a garland—a glorious, flowering crown. A crown of life and beauty (Isaiah 61:3).

I am the Divine Physician. I came for those who are sick and suffering (Mark 2:17). I came for you. I will cleanse you. I will heal you. I will raise you. I will crown you.

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