Finding Joy and Strength in God

Have you ever felt far away from God? Perhaps you can relate to the Lost Sheep who wandered away from the Good Shepherd or the Prodigal Son who exiled himself and then returned to the Father (see Luke 15). Maybe you have found your way back to Him through a friend or by encountering the Lord in a new way. Call to mind this feeling of “exile” or feeling far away from God as you…

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Resting in God to Gain Strength

I love you, Lord, my strength. – Psalm 18:2 Love is the number one priority of the Christian life. Jesus confirms that love of God and love of neighbor are His top two priorities for us in today’s Gospel reading where He puts forth the Greatest Commandment to love: “Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is Lord alone! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with…

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Accept Your Cross With Strength

Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.– Luke 14:27 What does Christian discipleship look like? Jesus defines discipleship by saying what it is not. who puts earthly things–even good things–before God cannot be a disciple. One who refuses to “carry his own cross” and follow Jesus in His suffering cannot be a disciple. To follow Jesus—to truly be His disciples, day-in and day-out—we must accept the crosses…

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Clothed in God’s Power

…you are clothed with power from on high. – Luke 24:49 Just before He ascended into heaven, Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would come and His disciples would be “clothed with power from on high.” Can you imagine what this might look like, to be clothed with God’s power? Perhaps being clothed with power looks like a suit of armor. Maybe even a suit of spiritual armor, as St. Paul described:  “Finally, be strong…

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Becoming Strong Enough

“Strive to enter through the narrow door, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough” (Lk 13:24). How can we become strong enough to do what is required for us to enter into the kingdom of heaven? Who is helping us to become stronger? Most of us have had a coach at some point in our lives. Coaches direct, advise, and encourage us. They help us train so…

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