Sunday Mass Reflection

Becoming Strong Enough

“Strive to enter through the narrow door, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough” (Lk 13:24).

How can we become strong enough to do what is required for us to enter into the kingdom of heaven? Who is helping us to become stronger? Most of us have had a coach at some point in our lives. Coaches direct, advise, and encourage us. They help us train so that we’re skilled and strong. Having a coach for our spiritual lives is similar. A priest or nun, spiritual director, Bible study leader, teacher, parent, or even just a good friend who can serve as a mentor are all great candidates for helping us to become spiritually “fit.” This week, think about who your spiritual coaches are. If you can’t think of one, pray about it and consider seeking one out.

But let’s think again about what Jesus says in the Gospel: we have to be strong to enter a narrow door. It doesn’t really make sense at first. Shouldn’t you need to be small—not strong—to fit through a small door? The answer is both: we must become small and humble to fit through the narrow door. If we’re puffed up and prideful, we won’t fit through! Here’s where strength comes in: becoming small and humble takes effort. We have to build our humility, along with the other virtues, to become spiritually fit.

“My son, conduct your affairs with humility, and you will be loved more than a giver of gifts. Humble yourself the more, the greater you are, and you will find mercy in the sight of God.” (Sir 3: 17-18)

Even the best coaches can only be effective if we are “coachable.” This is another place where humility comes into play. We must become meek and obedient in order to be willing to learn, change, and become stronger. Coaches can give us great advice, but when the rubber meets the road it’s up to each of us to do the hard work that can build our spiritual fitness. But take heart; we don’t have to become strong on our own. As Christians, we have the ability to rely on our all-powerful God: “God is our refuge and our strength” (Ps 46:2).

Jesus, please increase my humility that I may become strong in You.

Become small to enter the narrow door