Sunday Mass Reflection

Good Gifts Require A Grateful Response 

“Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” – Matthew 22:21

In this Sunday’s Gospel passage about the coin and Roman taxes (Matthew 22:15-21), the coin belongs to Caesar, but Jesus directs the people to consider what belongs to God. This makes me reflect on what things in this world that belong to God. The answer is everything good! St. James taught: “Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights” (James 1:17). Every good relationship; every virtue and skill; my intellect, body, and immortal soul; every beautiful sunset; and every other blessed thing are gifts from God. 

Now consider a gift God the Father gave us that is not of this world: His Son, our Savior, who paid the price of our redemption: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life” (John 3:16). God the Father gave us Jesus as the greatest gift to mankind to save us. If we are called to “repay” God for what belongs to Him (meaning every good thing including Jesus Himself!), how could we possibly do this?

The truth is, we could never repay Him for His most wonderful “generous act of giving.” However, we are called to have a grateful response to God for all that He has done for us. Our annual time of stewardship renewal is approaching at my parish. As I enter into this time of prayerfully discerning what our grateful response to God is as stewards of His Church, I will begin by asking myself what good things God has given me, especially through our parish family. In other words, what am I thankful for?

Here are some things I give thanks to God for: the tireless efforts of our priests to offer the sacraments so frequently; the gift of an excellent Catholic education that my children and I have received; all the wonderful opportunities for worship and fellowship my parish provides; and all the disciples of Christ that accompany me as we work to build up the kingdom of God. This week, consider writing your own list of what you are thankful for about your parish and then ask the Holy Spirit to help you make a grateful response to the Father for all these good gifts.

Heavenly Father, how can I repay You for all Your good gifts? Help me to truly give thanks as I consider every good thing You have given me.