Sunday Mass Reflection

Christmas Every Day

On this Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, the Christmas season concludes. St. John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus in the Jordan, points us to Christ: “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). This is the same scripture that the priest says when he holds up Jesus in the newly consecrated Eucharist for us to adore before we receive Jesus in Holy Communion.

Christmas is a beautiful time of adoration. Throughout Advent we watch and wait for Jesus to come. Then, on Christmas night, we look in the manger to behold the Christ Child. We sing with joyful hearts: “O come let us adore Him: Christ the Lord!” It’s been said that visiting Jesus in the adoration chapel makes every day like Christmas Day. In adoration, we get to look upon the gift of Christ. We behold the Presence of the Living God. When you spend time adoring Jesus, the hope, faith, joy, peace, and love of Christmas never have to end.

This week, consider making a special trip to visit Jesus in the adoration chapel. Set aside your spiritual reading, your prayer book, or your reflection writing project (talking to myself here!) and just adore Him. Don’t get me wrong; guided prayer, spiritual reading, and writing down what you hear God telling you all are lovely ways to spend a holy hour. But there is something about just sitting with Christ and adoring Him that is truly refreshing. Just sit near Jesus and let Him love you, and then return that love back to Him. Give Him your joys, sufferings, and problems and then listen to what He tells you. It’s as simple as that.

O my Jesus, come, let me adore You, the Son of the living God (Matthew 16:16).