Sunday Mass Reflection

Be Perfect in Love

Sin is a fact of life for all of us in our fallen world. We have sinned in the past, and unfortunately we will sin again in the future. This is the reality of our human concupiscence: “Concupiscence stems from the disobedience of the first sin. It unsettles man’s moral faculties and, without being in itself an offense, inclines man to commit sins” (CCC 2515). We might ask, “What’s the use of trying if we’re inclined to sin? We can’t become perfect, so why try and fail?” God-willing, we will meet Jesus face-to-face in heaven, and then we will be perfect. Until then, we can strive for holiness. Jesus tells us, “So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). His call here is for us to become perfect in love. So how are we to do this when sin by its nature erodes relationships between ourselves, God, and others?

Our scripture readings today are already pointing us to the penitential season of Lent, now just ten days away. They focus on ridding ourselves of sinful behaviors. The very first verse of the first reading tells us something crucial: “If you choose you can keep the commandments, they will save you” (Sirach 15: 15). Using our free will (choosing) to keep the commandments, especially the greatest commandments to love God and our neighbors (Matthew 22: 37-39), is one way that we can become perfect in love.

You might consider doing an examination of conscience each evening and keeping a list of both your times of obedience to God as well as your sins. While it’s not fun to think about keeping a list of sins, it can be helpful to reveal patterns of sinful behavior so you can determine what’s holding you back from a closer relationship with God and others. Seek forgiveness by bringing these sins to Confession, continue to do your examination each night, and set a personal intention to strive for obedience the next day. Ask God for the grace to “tear out” (Matthew 5:29) your sins, even asking Him to do it for you! It’s in this way—small changes, day in and day out—that we can strive to become perfect in love.