Sunday Mass Reflection

Visio Divina: Christ and the Rich Young Ruler

Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said to him, “You are lacking in one thing. Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” Mark 10:21

Changing up different styles of prayer is one way to encounter Jesus in new, unexpected ways. This week, I decided to use visio divina to help me think about our Gospel passage for this Sunday on the Rich Young Man, Mark 10: 17-30. This is is a type of prayer that is a “divine seeing” = visio divina. Sometimes when I get stuck on a Bible passage, I’ll look for a famous image of the story to see if Jesus has a word for me by encountering Him through art. For this passage, I am praying with Christ and the Rich Young Ruler by Heinrich Hofmann, painted in 1899.

Step 1: Read the Scripture Passage

Once I find an image that speaks to me, I’ll spend some time prayerfully meditating with it, first by reading the Gospel passage, then by looking at the composition and details of the painting. If you want to try this with me, make the sign of the cross, turn to Mark 10, and read the passage.

Step 2: Encounter the Image

Now, turn to the image. As you approach the painting, take a few deep breaths, and ask the Holy Spirit to come to enlighten you: Come, Holy Spirit, bring me Your light. Help me encounter Christ as I consider this image.

Take in the painting as a whole. Just take a moment to rest in the beauty of the entire image. Notice the elements, the colors, the interplay between light and dark. Take note of what you find beautiful or captivating.

Look away for a few moments, and then look back at the image and notice the first thing that you see. Now, hold your attention on this element. Simply gaze at this part of the painting. Perhaps it is Jesus’ face or hands. Maybe it is the rich man’s clothing. Just notice what draws you in.

Step 3: Look for Details

Now close your eyes for a moment and then let your eyes wander over the image. Start at the top left corner and then scan back and forth over the image, as if you are “reading” it. Look for small details. Notice any elements you missed before. Maybe this time you noticed the woman in shades of gray looking at the young man. What might she be thinking? Or what about the poor man holding on to the woman. What is under his arm there?

Christ and the Rich Young Ruler (detail), Heinrich Hofmann, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Step 4: Sense with Your Feelings

Notice any feelings or affections that stir in you as you encounter the painting. What does your heart say? Perhaps you are captivated by Jesus’s face, the look of compassion and love that He gives the rich young man. Or maybe the man’s beautiful yet downturned face has moved you. What feelings does he have? Regret? Something else? Do you think he is thinking about himself or the poor man Jesus is pointing him to? What emotion does the woman show? What emotions does this image stir in you?

Christ and the Rich Young Ruler (detail), Heinrich Hofmann, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Step 5: Engage Your Reason (Your Mind)

Now notice any questions or thoughts that stir in you as you encounter the painting. What does your mind say? How is this painting speaking to you? It could speak to you in words, or perhaps without words. What do you hear? If you wanted to describe this painting to someone else, how would you summarize it into one or two sentences? Thinking back on the parts of the painting that caught your attention or moved you, why do you think you were drawn to that particular detail or element?

Step 6: Encounter Christ in the Image

Did any memories, thoughts, or ideas flash through your mind as you encountered the artwork? How is God speaking to you through your thoughts, emotions, and memories as you reflect on this painting? Do you sense an invitation from God? Do you feel or hear Him challenging you in some way? Talk with Him in the deep recesses of your heart. Close your eyes and imagine that He turns to you from within the painting to speak directly to you. What does He say?

Step 7: Be Sent by Christ

Now, let the painting and Scripture work together to move you to a resolution. What specific response is Jesus asking of you? Perhaps He is asking something small or large from you. Talk with Jesus and allow Him to send you out on His specific mission for you after encountering Him in this way.

Step 8: Give Thanks to God

Finish this visio divina practice by taking a few moments of silent prayer. Allow Jesus to continue to speak to you. Thank God for any insights He offers you and for the gift of art, the artist, and His Holy Word.