Hope Will Lift Us Up

Our world is facing an unprecedented threat from the Coronavirus outbreak. We are facing our own mortality; we are witnessing how fragile we truly are. We are facing the possibility of death itself. We have been forced to let go of our own plans and instead trust in the Lord (Psalm 130: 5-6). It’s easy to hear frightening news and despair, and it’s natural to be afraid. But as Christians, we have hope in Christ.…

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Anointed and Sent

In today’s Gospel reading, we hear how Jesus restored the sight of the man born blind. Just as David was anointed with oil and received the spirit of the Lord in our first reading (1 Samuel 16:13), Jesus anointed the blind man with clay, a combination of the earth and Jesus’s spit: “…he spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva, and smeared the clay on his eyes…(John 9:6). Recall that God formed…

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A Time of Greening

Spring is so close! If you look closely, you’ll start to see plants poking up through the late-winter ground: crocuses, daffodil and tulip greens, and garden mums coming to life anew. Gardeners sometimes call this time of year the “greening of the gardens.” It’s exciting to see spring changes, like longer days, the warmer sun, birdsongs returning, and signs of growth all around us. Lent is a wonderful time for our own spiritual change and…

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Redemptive Suffering

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord Most Catholics have heard of offering up our sufferings for Christ. But how exactly can we do this? In this Sunday’s Gospel reading, Simeon told Mary that she would share in Christ’s sufferings: “and you yourself a sword will pierce” (Luke 2:35). Mary knew Isaiah’s prophecy of the suffering servant (Isaiah 53). She was aware that suffering was a key part of her Son’s mission, and she knew…

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