Revealing Our Troubled Hearts to Mary

…and you yourself a sword will pierce, so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. – Luke 2:35 Do you ever find yourself burdened by worrying, ruminating over events and words of the past, or anxiety over things to come? Do your troubled thoughts ever overwhelm you? I can relate, and if so, this reflection is for you! Did you know that Mary has a very special role in our salvation as mediatrix of…

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Do Whatever He Tells You

Imagine you’re there with Jesus, the disciples, and Mary at the Wedding Feast at Cana (John 2:1-11). No one knows it, but Jesus is about to perform His first sign of turning water into wine. However, a few things need to happen before that. First, the wine must run out. Next, Mary will employ her feminine gift of sensitivity to notice the newlyweds’ need, intercede for the couple to Jesus, then demonstrate her authority by…

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A Christ-Centered Family

This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We imagine their happy, loving home as a prayerful place of wholesome work and togetherness. Pope Francis said, “The family of Nazareth is holy because it was centered on Jesus.” Here a few ideas to help you consider how to center your family on Christ. First, if we are parents or grandparents, then we can strive to grow in our…

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An Advent Magnificat

“My soul rejoices in my God.” – Isaiah 61:10 Spotless Mary, conceived without sin, pray for me that I might have a heart like yours, one that seeks to magnify the Lord. Pray that I may have a joyful heart that rejoices in God and praises His name above all others, especially above my own name. May I always seek to glorify Him and not myself. Pray for me that my heart may be grateful…

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The Rosary and Spiritual Warfare

The rosary is an ideal tool for spiritual warfare. When the Israelites marched against their enemies, they carried the Ark of the Covenant with them, blowing trumpets announcing the Lord’s presence: “So Joshua the son of Nun called the priests and said to them, ‘Take up the ark of the covenant, and let seven priests bear seven trumpets of rams’ horns before the ark of the Lord.’ And he said to the people, ‘Go forward;…

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Our Savior, Born of a Woman

When the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to ransom those under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. – Galatians 4:4-5 Jesus was born of a woman. Think about those words. God the Father determined that Jesus should be born of a human mother. He could have come to us in any way that He desired. He could have appeared…

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She Pondered These Things in Her Heart

And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart. – Luke 2:19 I imagine Mary’s Immaculate Heart like a beautiful jewelry box: decked with delicate flowers on the outside, yet still pierced with a sword (Luke 2:35). Like Christ’s Sacred Heart, it is on fire with love. Inside, her heart is lined with soft velvet, a sacred place to ponder the mysteries of Christ’s childhood. Her beautiful heart contains precious memories, prayers,…

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Encountering Jesus in the Ark of the Covenant

Christ is nearly here! Just a few more days and our arms shall be filled with the Christ child. In today’s reading, we hear of Jesus’s first encounter with humankind. While carrying Jesus in her womb, Mary journeys to the outskirts of Jerusalem, to the hill country of Judah. In the Old Testament, the ark of the covenant—the most holy and powerful object in Israel—traveled through this very hill country on its way to Jerusalem.…

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My Magnificat

And Mary said: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” – Luke 1:46-47 Spotless Mary, conceived without sin, pray for me that I might have a heart like yours. Pray that I may have a joyful heart that rejoices in God and praises His name above all others, especially above my own name. May I always seek to glorify Him and not myself.  Pray for me that…

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Fourth Sunday of Advent “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.”– Mary, The Annunciation, Luke 1:38 Yes, Lord, may it be done to me according to Your Word (Luke 1:38). Yes, Lord, I will follow You no matter where You lead me. Shepherd me and I will be Your beloved sheep (Psalm 23:1) Yes, Lord, I accept all the successes You will bring me.…

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