Remain in Christ

The Eucharist is the source and summit of our Catholic faith. Our faith, hope, and love flow out of our prayerful reception of Christ’s Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity that we receive each time we worthily receive Holy Communion. The union with Christ that we experience after receiving Holy Communion is a foretaste of the goal of our faith: being one with Christ in heaven. Receiving Holy Communion enables us to become one with Christ,…

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Personal Pentecost

Come Holy Spirit, set my heart on fire with Your divine love. Renew my spirit and fill me with Your holy power. Burn away my selfish and sinful habits. Bless me with Your gifts and then empower me to use those gifts for Your glory. Bless me with the gift of wisdom so I recognize how crucial it is to keep You at the center of my life. Bless me with understanding that I might…

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Living Water

Here in the desert of Lent, the Lord brings us to the oasis of Jacob’s well. The Samaritan woman came at noon to fill her water jar. Had she been without water all morning? Perhaps she came at noon to avoid people who gossiped about her and her five husbands. We can use our Gospel imagination and suppose that she came to the well dry, thirsty, and ashamed. But something amazing happened: she had an…

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Sun of Justice

The days are getting shorter and darker each day now. But with the increasing darkness comes the promise of brighter days: “but for you who fear my name, there will arise the sun of justice with its healing rays” (Mal 3:20). Sun of Justice is one of the names of Jesus. If your family does a Jesse Tree during Advent, you might remember this from the O Antiphons that are recited during Vespers in the…

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Seeds of Faith

If you had a tiny seed—say an apple seed—and you wanted it to grow into a strong tree, full of good apples, what would you do? First, you’d find a sunny spot with rich soil for planting. A place protected from harsh winds. You’d water and feed it. You’d cultivate the soil around it to keep the weeds from stealing its nourishment. You’d protect it from attacks of pests. After several years of this loving…

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The Power of Mercy

What a beautiful Savior we have. God the Father didn’t send Jesus to appease His wrath and sentence us to death. Instead, Jesus came to save us: “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him” (Jn 3:17). Jesus holds the power of divine judgment (Jn 5:22-24). Dying for our sins to save us took more love and power than merely…

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