Sun of Justice

The days are getting shorter and darker each day now. But with the increasing darkness comes the promise of brighter days: “but for you who fear my name, there will arise the sun of justice with its healing rays” (Mal 3:20). Sun of Justice is one of the names of Jesus. If your family does a Jesse Tree during Advent, you might remember this from the O Antiphons that are recited during Vespers in the…

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The Ones Who Will Rise

Considering death is difficult; we may feel like pushing the subject away. But the Church, in her wisdom, sets aside November as a month where we can have a safe space to think about “the last things:” death, judgment, heaven, hell, the saints, the poor souls in purgatory, the death of this age, and Christ’s second coming in glory. In this Sunday’s Gospel reading, the Sadducees challenged Jesus about the resurrection of the body. What…

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