Psalm 42: My Soul is Thirsting

If you are like me, you may be missing receiving our Lord in the Eucharist during this Coronavirus pandemic. Psalm 42 nearly completely sums up my longing to receive Jesus in this moment of worldwide crisis. “As the deer longs for streams of water, so my soul longs for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, the living God. When can I enter and see the face of God?” ~Psalm 42:2-3 I truly rely…

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Easter in the Upper Room

The first disciples did not have the gift of hindsight, as we do: “For they did not yet understand the Scripture that he had to rise from the dead” (John 20:9). Jesus said that He would rise again (Mark 9:31), but His disciples had to live through His crucifixion and those deathly quiet hours afterward without knowing what would happen next and armed with only their faith. We can use our Gospel imagination to suppose…

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Hope Will Lift Us Up

Our world is facing an unprecedented threat from the Coronavirus outbreak. We are facing our own mortality; we are witnessing how fragile we truly are. We are facing the possibility of death itself. We have been forced to let go of our own plans and instead trust in the Lord (Psalm 130: 5-6). It’s easy to hear frightening news and despair, and it’s natural to be afraid. But as Christians, we have hope in Christ.…

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Anointed and Sent

In today’s Gospel reading, we hear how Jesus restored the sight of the man born blind. Just as David was anointed with oil and received the spirit of the Lord in our first reading (1 Samuel 16:13), Jesus anointed the blind man with clay, a combination of the earth and Jesus’s spit: “…he spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva, and smeared the clay on his eyes…(John 9:6). Recall that God formed…

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A Lamp for My Steps

Think back to a time that you walked in the dark. Maybe you had to move slowly so you didn’t run into anything or fumble around to find a light. If you were somewhere unfamiliar, it might have even been a little frightening to not be able to see your surroundings. You needed something to light your way so that you would know where to go without hurting yourself or getting lost. Now remember a…

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Emmanuel, The Gift of Peace

On this fourth Sunday of Advent, we light the candle of peace on our Advent wreaths. Notice that we continue to light each of the other candles, representing hope, faith, and joy. None of these virtues are extinguished as we progress toward Christmas; they all work together in our hearts and build upon one another. For joy and peace are fruits of the Holy Spirit; they spring forth from faith, hope, and charity. When we…

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Choose Joy

This is Gaudete Sunday, the day when we focus on rejoicing in the coming of Christ. In our first reading, Isaiah tells us that in the presence of the Lord, even the desert will “bloom with abundant flowers, and rejoice in joyful song” (Is 35:2). But let’s be honest, do you feel more like you’re in a dry desert than an oasis right now? Is it hard to be truly joyful in this moment? If…

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It’s late in the calendar year. The darkness increases as we draw nearer to winter, but on this first day of Advent—the very first day of our Church year—we are called to wake up early, while it is still dark. “It is the hour now for you to awake from sleep. For our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed; the night is advanced, the day is at hand. Let us then throw…

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The Ones Who Will Rise

Considering death is difficult; we may feel like pushing the subject away. But the Church, in her wisdom, sets aside November as a month where we can have a safe space to think about “the last things:” death, judgment, heaven, hell, the saints, the poor souls in purgatory, the death of this age, and Christ’s second coming in glory. In this Sunday’s Gospel reading, the Sadducees challenged Jesus about the resurrection of the body. What…

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The Beautiful Feet of Christ

Scripture tells us that St. Mary Magdalen had a special devotion to Christ’s precious feet. She wept over and anointed His feet in contrition for her sins. She humbly sat at His feet, listening to every word of His teaching. She stood courageously at the foot of His cross, bearing the weight of His passion. What a humble devotion, to worship at the feet of our Lord. “How beautiful are the feet upon the mountains…

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