“I myself will look after and tend my sheep. As a shepherd tends his flock…” -Ezekiel 34:11

This Sunday, we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. King of the Universe! This brings up images of the grandest splendor: fine garments, a glorious throne, a magnificent array of pomp and circumstance. But listen closely to the scripture readings for this feast today. They’re focused on Christ the Good Shepherd. Shepherds were outcasts in Jewish society. They lived with the dirty sheep, and smelled like it. They were not educated, affluential, or powerful in any way. They had to tend their sheep, even on the Sabbath, and therefore broke the first commandment every week. They were anything but glorious and splendid.
Yet Jesus, our Lord, is our shepherd. He became human to tend to us, His beloved sheep. How comforting this should be for us. In God’s love and mercy, He came down from heaven to be with us, truly with us, our Emmanuel. He dwells with us, His dirty and sometimes lost sheep.
How our King humbles Himself for us! He was born in a cave, was obedient to human parents, worked as a carpenter, was tempted by Satan in the desert, taught and healed and preached, suffered, died, and even went to hell for us. Heavy laden with our sins, he ransomed us all by suffering in our place. He feeds us with His own Body and Blood, and waits patiently for us in the monstrance of the adoration chapel. All this for our salvation. All this because He loves us. Let us rejoice in the love and mercy of our King, and sanctify Him as Lord of our hearts (cf 1 Peter 3:15).
This week, consider spending a little extra time praying in the Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. This sacrament of love is our food, our teacher, our shepherd, the image of God the Father, and our King.
Jesus, my Good Shepherd, what love You have for me! Help me to live as a faithful child of the Kingdom now and always. Christ our Lord, Thy Kingdom Come!