Sunday Mass Reflection

“Send me!”

Today’s readings point to our roles as missionary disciples. In the first reading, Isaiah feels unworthy. But once his lips have been made clean he responds, “Here I am…send me!” (Is 6:5-8). Similarly, we may feel unworthy to tell people about God. After Isaiah was purified, he was confident and bold; perhaps after we’ve been purified in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we too may feel more confident in proclaiming the Gospel. In the Psalm, we sing the praises of the Lord (Ps 138:1-2). This is the new evangelization: singing God’s praises! Singing implies that you’re joyful and passionate when you speak. Telling your friends and family about the wonderful ways that God has touched your life is one way to sing His praises. Speaking joyfully about the goodness of God and our faith is beautiful and attractive.

The second reading shows how St. Paul preached to the Corinthians in his time. How we evangelize today’s culture will look different. It might look like an Instagram post praising God for something. Or it might come as an offer to pray with someone. The possibilities are endless. The goal is to bring Christ to others so they can encounter Him through you. Know that the “grace of God” will be with you as you evangelize, just as it was for St. Paul (1 Cor 15:11). In the Gospel, fishing is a metaphor for bringing people to Christ. Jesus tells Simon (Peter) to “put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch” (Lk 5:4). Going out into the deep means leaving your comfort zone. Consider stepping out of your comfort zone and trying one sincere act of evangelization this week.

Jesus, help me recognize the resistance I have to stepping out of my comfort zone to proclaim Your Good News. Give me the courage to say, “Here I am. Send me!”