All readings for this celebration of the Holy Family have a common thread: obedience to God. The peace that reigned in the Holy Family was due to the fact that God was the absolute center of their lives. We can ask ourselves if God is truly the center of our lives, as well. A great place to focus on placing God first on our priority list is by reclaiming Sunday as a day for worship and enjoying family life.

Reclaiming Sunday should be a positive thing! Placing all our work and responsibilities aside for one day allows our bodies, minds, and souls to rest. The world is a relentless grind of activity. Just as we need to sleep at the end of each day, we need (yes, this is a true “need”) to rest at the end of each week. It’s a win-win: we offer God this first day of the week to him, the firstfruits of our week, and He offers it back to us as a day when we can reorient ourselves toward our higher purpose, our relationships with God and others.
So many times discussions about the Sabbath rest can turn into litanies of what we can’t do. Instead, let’s talk about the positives of reclaiming Sundays. First and foremost, we can have time for Mass and prayer time as a family. Even if it’s not the first thing we do, it should be the first thing we plan for, the central aspect of the day. We can also enjoy a special family dinner. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but it could be.
We can do all kinds of fun activities as a family: play games, go for walks or bike rides, watch a movie together, or do some fun baking. Volunteering or doing some sort of service together is another good idea. Ask your children for ideas on what they might like to do. Our family tries to take turns picking our activity for the day. We can also recharge ourselves with some quiet time alone reading Scripture or a good novel, working on a craft or hobby, or yes, taking a blessed nap. The point is to relax and connect with God and others. Sunday is not a day for catching up or getting ahead. It’s a day to rest in the Lord’s goodness. Right here, in the present moment.
This week, consider taking stock of how the rest of your week is structured to allow you the time you need to reclaim Sunday. Ask God to help you move things around so you can enjoy each and every Sunday. It really is worth the effort.