Have you ever thought about Lent as a spiritual adventure, or does it seem more like: “Here we go again. Time to give up meat on Fridays and sweets again.” That doesn’t seem very motivating to me. But Lent as a spiritual adventure? A chance to go somewhere new in my interior life with Jesus as my companion? That sounds motivating!

We start our spiritual adventure in the desert with Jesus. Later, we’ll climb Mt. Tabor to see God’s glory. We’ll watch as people are restored to community, health, and even life. We’ll follow Jesus as he enters Jerusalem and travel with Him to the foot of the cross and the pit of death during Holy Week. Our adventure will culminate with the greatest mystery conceived: the Resurrection. Along the way, we’ll be accompanied by the Holy Spirit, angels, apostles, Moses and Elijah, people who are healed, and friends and foes alike.
The destination for this adventure is Easter Sunday. I can ask myself how Jesus is calling me to grow closer to Him this Lent. How does He want to change me in these forty days so I can walk more closely with Him? What new virtue does He want to grow in me?
Father, inspire me with a spirit of adventure this Lent. Holy Spirit, guide me. Jesus, walk with me.