Third Sunday of Advent
“My spirit rejoices in God my Savior” – Mary, the Magnificat, Luke 1:47

Our world is in desperate need of joy after a long year of uncertainties, societal unrest, political strife, sickness, quarantines, and death. Did you, like me, notice that folks started turning their Christmas lights on in early November? Yes, we all seem to “need a little Christmas, right this very minute!” as the song goes.
How can we, like Mary in our Responsorial Psalm, rejoice in God and proclaim our joy to others at this time? Let’s make a pact to bring a little joy to the world in these last weeks before Christmas. Let’s set out to bring as much faith, hope, love, and joy as we can muster to others. Smile at others behind your mask. Send personal notes in your Christmas cards. Tip the server bringing your takeout generously. Call your friends to hear their voices and thank them for their friendship. Thank your bosses and your kids’ teachers for their hard work and leadership in this year of changes, restrictions, and unknowns. Donate to the food pantry and the homeless shelter if you can afford it. Donate blood if you are able. Bless each other and rejoice—fill this world with joy. For Christ our Savior is coming.
If you don’t have joy to give right now, that’s understandable. So many around us are suffering from illness or on the long road of grief over a loved one right now. Maybe a prayer focus instead could be to allow God to flood your heart with His peace. Allow God to be your comfort and your strength. That’s a joy in and of itself.
Mary, pray for me that I might have a heart that rejoices in God and serves others in love, like you. Lord Jesus, console those who are grieving, and bring them Your peace.