“And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.’” – Matthew 25:40

Philippe de Champagne, public domain
Happy feast of Christ the King! This week, I want to walk you through some imaginative prayer with Sunday’s Gospel passage on the Great Judgement, Matthew 25:31-46. First, take some time to prayerfully read the passage, focusing your attention on Jesus’ words; try to hear His voice. Look for specifics in the words Jesus chooses. How does He describe the people He identifies with so closely that He uses “I” and “me” when speaking about these “least ones?” What would He like us to do for these brothers of His?
Is there anything that is confusing in His words? Or is there anything that stands out as profound? If so, spend a little time in prayer with and contemplation of these parts. Ask Jesus to guide you to more understanding and reveal His wisdom and knowledge to you, then listen in silence to hear Him speak to you.
Next, place yourself inside the scene of this Gospel passage as Jesus, the shepherd King, separates the sheep from the goats. See yourself in the field as He places the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Hear His words of praise to those who loved others by serving them in their need. Hear His words of judgment to those who failed to care for the poor among them. What thoughts, ideas, or feelings arise in you? What convicts or comforts you?
Take a little more time in silent prayer now, seeking to encounter Jesus. Imagine yourself walking up to Him in the field. Ask Him your questions or tell Him the desires or troubles of your heart. See His face looking at you with love. Listen in silence in order to hear the voice of the shepherd King.
Last, consider what words or ideas convicted, exhorted, or motivated you. Continue your conversation with Jesus in the field. See the sheep and goats separated. Ask Jesus to help you make one resolution. What is one specific thing you can do to serve the Lord this week? Write it on a sticky note or put a reminder in your phone to do that one thing for Jesus. End in a prayer of thanksgiving and love to God.
Holy Spirit, send Your love and courage into my heart that I may serve Jesus, my Lord and King, by loving and serving others with my whole heart.