
God’s Word Brings Us Great Calm 

…there was great calm. (Mark 4:39)

Let’s do some Ignatian prayer with this Sunday’s Gospel passage (Mark 4:35-41). Read the passage, then place yourself in the scene with Jesus and the disciples as they encounter the storm on the Sea of Galilee. What do you see, hear, even smell? What emotions arise as you imagine an impending storm? Excitement, fear, even terror? What do you feel as you see the waves swell around you, completely out of your control? 

Have you ever experienced this kind of turmoil in your life? I have definitely been shaken to the core in the middle of a situation that I have no power over, leaving me feeling helpless and trapped. When I looked around for help, it seemed like Jesus was “asleep in the boat.” It almost seemed like He didn’t care or wanted me to struggle through it, even though I know in my heart that He cares for and loves me more than I can ever imagine. Other times it felt like maybe even He didn’t have the power to calm the waves that were “breaking over the boat” (4:37), even though I believe that He created all things and has power over His creation. 

This is faith: weathering the storms around us and trusting that Jesus is with us in our storms, even when it seems like He doesn’t care, wants to “teach us” something, or can’t solve our problems. During these times, we can remind ourselves that He has a powerful word that can and will calm the storms in our lives in His time. He also has a word for us in the middle of the storm, as He did for Job in our first reading: “Then the Lord answered Job out of the storm” (Job 38:1). He speaks of His power and authority to command creation and His Creatures. Even the wind and sea obey Him (Mark 4:41). 

In their distress they cried to the LORD, who brought them out of their peril; He hushed the storm to silence, the waves of the sea were stilled. They rejoiced that the sea grew calm, that God brought them to the harbor they longed for. – Psalm 107:28-30

Sometimes it’s hard to hear God’s voice inside “a violent squall” (Mark 4:37). But it’s God’s word that can anchor us in times of turmoil and bring about “a great calm” in our souls. Daily scripture reading can be this anchor for us, grounding us in God’s love and care and assuring that He has a plan for us no matter what situation we find ourselves in. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Even just a chapter of a Gospel or a Psalm each day can help us hear God’s voice so we can hear it more easily when we need to hear Him most. 

Jesus, next time I am in a storm, be with me. Remind me of Your presence. I am weak and forget that You are with me. Speak these words to me, and let me respond with courage: “Quiet. Be still!” (Mark 4:39).