You are witnesses of these things. Luke 24:48
When you hear the words “new evangelization,” what do you think of? Knocking on doors to tell strangers about Jesus? Or is it not about you at all, but more about the priests, bishops, authors, and Catholic media working to spread the Gospel to more people? What’s wonderful is that each and every Christian has a part to play in helping Jesus fulfill His mission of mercy (you can check out my blog post last week for more on that here: Mission of Mercy.
One thing to overcome is that people often do not know how to “evangelize.” It can put us out of our comfort zone. But that’s okay! It’s a skill that we can develop over time. The more you get used to talking about your relationship with Jesus and His Church, the more natural it will feel.
Jesus tells His disciples in today’s Gospel passage that they are witnesses to His life, resurrection, and mission. Just as they were called to witness to Christ, so are we. The last line of Matthew’s Gospel gives us our mission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20).

So how do we “make disciples” for Christ? The answer is surprisingly simple: encounter Christ and invite others to encounter Him. It’s also not usually people you don’t know who you invite, but rather people in your own circle of friendship and love: family, friends, neighbors, or coworkers.
Consider your own journey to discipleship. How did you come to this place where you follow and serve Christ and others in His name? It was probably through the loving example of another Christian witness. Perhaps they shared their story with you, or even shared their table with you. Maybe it was just a quiet example of a faith shot through with joy and love that attracted you and helped you want to live your life for Christ. For me, it was many moments of encounters with different Christian witnesses that molded me on my journey to discipleship. A focus could be to be just one of those witnesses for people in your life by sharing the Good News of how Christ has worked in your own life.
This week I have a list of practical ideas for the new evangelization in a seperate post. I’d love for you to stop by and pick up a few tips to help out. Please click here for that list: 7 Practical Tips for Christian Witness.
Lord Jesus, let me encounter You deeply so that I can feel comfortable inviting others to encounter Your love, mercy, and goodness.
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