I very nearly named our little Bible study “two or three” after this last line from our Gospel reading today: “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). Over the years, our group has ebbed and flowed. Some gatherings would have a dozen or more members, and other times just two or three of us would be able to attend. We’re all busy moms, so it never bothers me when we have a small gathering. In fact, often our prayer and study would be much more intimate and reflective when the gatherings were small. Our friendships grow deep in the good soil of our time together centered in Christ.

Christ-centered friendships are so important to the spiritual life and are integral to discipleship. True friends strengthen and support each other. We pray for and with each other. We step up to take care of each other when one of us needs a helping hand. We lift each other up when we have fallen. Try reading the first part of our Gospel with that focus in mind—helping a friend who has fallen: “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone” (Matthew 18:15). The goal of pointing out another’s sins is not to shame him or her or prove your own point, but to bring that person back to relationship with Christ and His Church. Admonishing a sinner is a spiritual work of mercy, after all!
Having Christ-centered friendships go even deeper than fellowship. Whenever you are gathered as friends in Christ, He is with you. He is there guiding the conversation, inspiring you to live the Christian life more fully. The Holy Spirit of unity surrounds you and encourages you to take bold steps as His disciples.
Being gathered in Christ is also a way that Jesus is Emmanuel, “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). Jesus promised that He would be with us “always, even until the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). Being gathered as friends is a fulfillment of that promise. Jesus is with us in the Eucharist. Jesus the Word is with us in Scripture. The Holy Spirit of Jesus is with us in our hearts. And He is with us in the midst of our Christian friendships.
Thank you Jesus, for being with us in our friendships. Help me to be a true friend in Christ to those you have placed in my life.