For all of you are children of the light and children of the day. – 1 Thessalonians 5:5

In our second reading this Sunday, St. Paul tells us that we who follow Christ are the “children of the light” (1 Thessalonians 5:5). What does it look like for us to live as children of the light? Children are made in the image and likeness of their parents. They often look like their parents, bearing their “image.” They are often even like them in their mannerisms and behaviors; they act in their parents’ “likeness.” As children of God (John 1:12), we are made in His image and likeness (cf Genesis 1:26). We are to bear God’s image to the people around us. The best way to bear His resemblance is to imitate His beloved Son, Jesus, who became one of us to restore our fallen humanity to the true image of the Father.
Children of the light are obedient to the Father. They know and follow His commandments and seek to live in the light of Christ’s truth. They seek to do the Father’s will, even and especially when it is difficult. They reply, “fiat”—“yes”—to God in all things. Children of the light trust their heavenly Father. They believe that He wants what is good for His children. In our Gospel reading, we have examples of children of light and of the darkness. Each of the servants were entrusted with God’s possessions. The two faithful servants were obedient and trusting of their master, used their talents wisely, and became fruitful in their returns. The third servant acted “out of fear” (Matthew 25:25). He was disobedient and mistrustful of the master, so he hid his talents and was unfruitful.
We can ask ourselves if there are things in our lives that are getting in the way of our fruitfulness. Do we make decisions out of obedience to God and for love of Him and others, or do we make them out of fear or self-preservation, like the wicked servant? Do we trust in God’s providence, enabling us to act courageously?
Dear Jesus, help me to trust in You and walk as a child of the light. Holy Spirit, come bless me with fortitude, wisdom, and a healthy fear of the Lord!