
We Belong to God

The Pharisees are at it again in this week’s Gospel reading. This time, they asked Jesus if it was against God’s law to pay the census tax to Caesar. Once again, they tried to trick Jesus into betraying Himself. But Jesus always sees the truth. He is the truth (John 14:6). Jesus asked them to show Him the coin to pay the tax and asked, “Whose image is this and whose inscription?” (Matthew 22: 20).…

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What in the world caused some of those who were invited to the king’s banquet to mistreat and even kill the servants extending the king’s invitation? I’ve heard of shooting the messenger for delivering bad news, but this is way out of hand and completely incongruous. The servants were inviting them to a royal party with a sumptuous banquet. I’m sure there was even an open bar! 😅 So why did they behave this way?…

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Have No Anxiety…

Have you ever seen a watchtower? You could imagine a tall tower in a castle where knights keep watch for dangers. Take special note of the watchtower in the parable of the vineyard in this Sunday’s Gospel reading (Matthew 21: 33-43). The watchtower is a place of safety, a place to keep a lookout for things that might damage the vineyard, like thieves and enemies. But pay close attention, because the tenants in this reading…

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Change Your Mind and Believe

Metanoia is a Greek word that means to change completely, to convert from one way of life to another. It implies repenting of old ways and embracing a new, more holy, way of life. The chief priests and the elders in this Sunday’s Gospel reading were stuck in old ways of thinking. They were not open to hearing or acting upon the Good News that St. John the Baptist and Jesus proclaimed. Jesus reprimanded them…

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A Grateful (Not Grumbling) Heart

Have you ever (like me) found yourself grumbling about all the work that you must do each day? My to-do list list seems long and tedious, and I grumble. The work I do for my family goes unnoticed, and I grumble. Projects that I work hard at don’t go my way and—you guessed it—I grumble. Oh, not all the time, and most of the time the grumbling isn’t even out loud. However silent, the unrest…

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Choosing to Forgive

There was a time when I could not forgive. I’m not proud of this, but it’s true. I wanted to forgive. I asked many people for advice on how to forgive. But still, forgiveness eluded me. You see, I grew up in a house characterized by addiction, neglect, and abuse. For many years, I carried around the wounds from those years. In fact, I still carry them and probably always will. But the choice to…

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Christ-Centered Friendships

I very nearly named our little Bible study “two or three” after this last line from our Gospel reading today: “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). Over the years, our group has ebbed and flowed. Some gatherings would have a dozen or more members, and other times just two or three of us would be able to attend. We’re all…

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The Law of the Gift

Jesus offers us the key to discipleship in today’s Gospel reading: “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it” (Matthew 16: 24-25). Paradoxically, this is also the key to fulfillment and happiness. To be Christian disciples, we must deny ourselves by emptying ourselves of sin, pride,…

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Recognizing Your Mission

In today’s Gospel reading, Peter recognized and professed the truth of Christ’s identity: “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16). He proclaimed that Jesus is the Son of the living God, the Messiah, the King of heaven and earth. I can imagine Peter, who was sometimes impulsive, replying with fervor but without fully understanding the depth of his words. Jesus pointed out that Peter did not study to learn this.…

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Humble, Perseverant Prayer

A great faith is a powerful thing. A faith that is firmly grounded in Christ enables great virtues to grow in us and enables us to trust in the Lord, which empowers us. When we believe that “for God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26), we are able to trust in His providence for us. A person of faith knows that God wants good things for us and that He will bless us with them…

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