
Do Whatever He Tells You

Imagine you’re there with Jesus, the disciples, and Mary at the Wedding Feast at Cana (John 2:1-11). No one knows it, but Jesus is about to perform His first sign of turning water into wine. However, a few things need to happen before that. First, the wine must run out. Next, Mary will employ her feminine gift of sensitivity to notice the newlyweds’ need, intercede for the couple to Jesus, then demonstrate her authority by…

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Christmas Every Day

On this Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, the Christmas season concludes. St. John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus in the Jordan, points us to Christ: “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). This is the same scripture that the priest says when he holds up Jesus in the newly consecrated Eucharist for us to adore before we receive Jesus in Holy Communion. Christmas is a…

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Guided by Light: Lessons from the Magi

Go outside one night this week when the sky is dark and clear. Just take a little time for some stargazing. Notice how some stars are brighter than others. Pick out the constellations and clusters. Maybe you’ll even see a shooting star! Stargazing helps me to wonder or marvel at the majesty of God. That can also be called “fear of the Lord.” It’s not an “afraid” kind of fear, but more of an “awe”…

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A Christ-Centered Family

This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We imagine their happy, loving home as a prayerful place of wholesome work and togetherness. Pope Francis said, “The family of Nazareth is holy because it was centered on Jesus.” Here a few ideas to help you consider how to center your family on Christ. First, if we are parents or grandparents, then we can strive to grow in our…

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An Advent Song of Love

My Advent song wells last to love, the greatest of virtues, most true. It never will fade, endures for all time. It’s patient, enduring, and kind. It’s the one thing most needful, the goal of all longing hearts. Love is greater than fear, St. John tells us this. Then let love grow strong and sure. Let it ring out! Sweet melodious bells. Join the harp, pipe and strings from before. The song and the wreath…

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An Advent Song of Joy

With strings of hope and harps of peacemy song continues on. My heart bursts forth with notes of joyon this Gaudete day. A day of joy, for Christ is close; a bright and happy tune. The pipe does play a merry liltso sweet and pure and true. Christ comes to us, the joy He brings; I need not strive nor plod. His yoke is light, and too, my heart. The rose candle burns bright still.

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An Advent Song of Peace

My Advent hymn remains; small though lit still more. Another candle lit in my heartjoins hope’s candle from before. The strings of hope swell deep, drawn sweetly on the bow. A song of peace, calm melody, glides gently, mellow, slow. Peace of heart, and peace of mind, even my body in safety and peace does rest. What brings this peace? Why justice, friend, and security in God’sloving embrace. Peace brought by sweet forgiveness, and a…

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An Advent Song of Hope

To You, oh Lord, I lift up a songfrom a place deep dark in my soul. It sings itself, this Advent song, quiet and humble and pure. My heart opens from within;it streams out in peace.From a silent place it sings its notesof longing and stillness and grief. Grief that the world is dark at times,and for the things I’ve lost this year.Stillness and silence I yearn to hold,frenzy and noise break piece by piece.…

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Jesus: The King of Peace

Jesus answered, “My kingdom does not belong to this world. If my kingdom did belong to this world, my attendants would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not here.” – John 18:36 This weekend we celebrate my favorite feast day, Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. Doesn’t that title make Jesus sound like a superhero? Well, He really is! He is all…

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