Think back to a time that you walked in the dark. Maybe you had to move slowly so you didn’t run into anything or fumble around to find a light. If you were somewhere unfamiliar, it might have even been a little frightening to not be able to see your surroundings. You needed something to light your way so that you would know where to go without hurting yourself or getting lost.
Now remember a time when you walked in figurative darkness. Perhaps it was an uncertain situation, such as a career change. Maybe you were in a difficult relationship and were unsure of your next steps. Or perhaps you were grieving the death of a loved one and had to feel your way through the darkness of denial, anger, and sorrow. Whenever we experience fear, uncertainty, confusion, sadness, or anger, we walk in darkness. We need Christ to light our way: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12).
When we’re dwelling in the land of gloom, we need a great light to shine on us (Isaiah 9: 9:3). Christ is that light! In our first reading, why did the people who once walked in darkness rejoice? Isaiah tells us: “For a child is born to us, a son is given to us” (Isaiah 9:5). Jesus is present in every moment of our lives, especially when we need Him most. When we’re in dark situations, we can pray for Christ’s light to reveal our next steps. Also, we can search God’s Word in the Bible for enlightenment, truth, and comfort: “Your word is a lamp for my steps and a light for my path” (Psalm 119:105). It can be all to easy to give up in the middle of difficult situations by sitting in the darkness. Instead, look to the Christ Light for your hope.
Jesus, be my light! Please be with me when I’m in difficult situations. Help me to see where You are leading me.